Open Hearted Tonglen
In my coaching practice, Open Hearted Tonglen is one of the most powerful and effective coaching tools that I teach clients. The process is simple, and the results are extraordinary.
What is Tonglen?
Simply said, Tonglen is about awakening our compassion by connecting with our breath and using it to transform the energy of suffering into loving and empathetic light. While there are many variations of Tonglen, this is the Open Hearted approach.
Rooted in Tibetan Buddhism, Tonglen is Tibetan for ‘giving and taking.’ Tong means giving or sending, and len means receiving or taking.”
Open Hearted Tonglen (OH)
Open Hearted Tonglen focuses on recognizing that we all suffer. For many of us, our tendency is to avoid feeling our pain, letting it fester within us. This leads to negativity, depletion, and feeling stuck. Tonglen is a method used for overcoming fear and anxiety, giving us the opportunity to change our attitude towards pain and suffering, dissolving it within ourselves and others.
In OH Tonglen, we open our heart to the pain or suffering of ourselves or someone else. While focusing on our in-breath, we visualize taking that pain into our heart. With our exhale, we imagine spreading a compassion filled light that radiates warmth and clarity. We embrace ourselves (or someone we are focusing on) with gentle, soft, understanding energy. This peaceful energy continues to expand.
I often use the visual of a rock tumbler with my clients to describe the “toggling” or tumbling” of the energy in our heart center. The raw rock, (the in-breath of pain) is tumbled, resulting in a beautiful, polished stone with the out-breath. I envision this compassion flowing as a soft pink energy, like pink rose quartz, radiating from my core. As the vibration grows wider, it fills my entire body and mind.
The Benefits of OH Tonglen
As we take in the suffering and negative energy, we transform it into a lighter energy. As we breathe out, we visualize sending out positive, tranquil energy, creating a greater sense of peace and ease in our everyday lives. Tonglen becomes more powerful and effective the longer we do it. With practice, it can become natural. Over time it trains our mind to be more aware and empathetic. In essence, it liberates our ability to, “let go” and live in the present moment with love, compassion, and acceptance for ourselves and others.
Practicing OH Tonglen for Another:
Think of someone who you sense is in pain or suffering. Close your eyes and visualize that person in front of you. Bring your attention to the middle of your chest, your Heart Center, and begin by absorbing your thoughts, feelings, and sensations into your heart. As you come to peace, begin to expand those feelings you are soaking up to include the other before you.
As you breathe in, visualize that person, and imagine their suffering filling your own heart space. You would say (for example), “Breathing in Jill’s heartache.” Really take it in and feel it, embracing it with a softness. As you breathe out, say, “sending Jill compassionate, gentle, tender energy and ease.” Visually see this calming, soft gentle, energy expanding to the one before you.
Continue with this as you begin to feel a gentle shift and sense the waves of compassion rippling outwardly.
Tonglen can be practiced for anyone who is suffering. It can be used with animals, with all of creation and sentient beings. It offers us a way to embrace compassion, even when faced with challenging circumstances, people, and emotions. During these times of great turmoil, I have found this practice to be incredibly simple, yet exceedingly transformative.
Live Life Open Hearted <3